Contents of " Governmental Review" in 1998


Foreign Policy

Statements of government members; meetings; bilateral and multilateral co-operation.

Co-operation between Poland and Spain

About the visit of Spain's Prime Minister in Poland

Joint Polish-Spanish Declaration

Polish-Spanish relations No. 1-2 (79-80), p.68

About European integration from the perspective of Central European countries

The speech of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek delivered during the debate

Councils of Baltic States, Riga, 23rd January 1998 No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 73

Polish reasons of State

The speech of the head of Polish diplomacy, Bronisław Geremek, RP Seym, 5th March 1998, No. 3 (81), p. 79

At the threshold of negotiations

The speech of Jerzy Buzek at TVP, 30th March 1998, No. 4 (82), p. 79

Head of Polish government in Italy

Commentary on Jerzy Buzek's visit and information on relations between Poland and Italy No. 5 (83), p. 71

Xth March of the Living

Polish-Israeli plenary talks, bilateral relations No. 5 (83), p. 76

IXth Session of the RP and UE Common Parliamentary Commission

The speech of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek, 23rd June 1998 No. 6 - 7 (84-85), p. 95

Visit of Jerzy Buzek in the USA

Joint American-Polish declaration after the White House meeting of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek with President Bill Clinton No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 97

Freedom and solidarity - the Polish message for the unification of Europe

The speech of the Foreign Affairs Minister Bronisław Geremek at the ceremony of awarding him with Charlemagne award in Aachen, 21st May 1998 No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 102.

Visit of Esmat Abdel Meguid, General Secretary of the Arab League in Poland

Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 8 (86), p. 145

Five years of CEFTA

The speech of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek, 11th September 1998 No. 9 (87), p. 47

Culture aspects of the European Union enlargement. Polish viewpoint.

Speech of Minister Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa No. 11 (89), p. 99

In Mexico and Costa-Rica

Relation on the visit of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek in the countries of Central America No. 12 (90), p. 81

Preparation to the EU accession, Poland on the international forum

Polish leadership of OSCE in 1998

Information of the Safety Policy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

December 1997 No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 65

Initial declaration of RP government

Presented on 31st March 1998 in Brussels by Foreign Affairs Minister Bronisław Geremek at the ministerial session opening the membership negotiations between Poland and the European Union No. 4 (82), p. 85

Guidelines for negotiations of the membership of Poland in the European Union

Political negotiation mandate No. 4 (82), p. 92

National programme for the preparation of Poland for the European Union accession

Information on the European Integration Committee Office No. 4 (82), p. 101

Integration of Poland with the European Union in the social and political spheres

Report of the Government Centre of Strategic Studies, January 1998 No. 4 (82), p. 105

Poland: reforms and economic growth on the route to the European Union

Information of the World Bank No. 4 (82), p. 151


Information on the procedure of preparation and carrying out of negotiations; members of negotiation teams No. 4 (82), p. 197

European integration in the context of environmental protection

Information of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources, and Forestry No. 5 (83), p. 158

Negotiation structure and review of existing legal regulations

Information of the Government's Proxy for Negotiations of Membership of the Polish Republic in the European Union No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 106

National Programme for the Preparation of the EU Accession

Summary of the document No. 9 (87), p. 58

Information for the European Commission Report on the progress on the way of Poland's approach to the EU membership No. 10 (88), p. 91

Poland's standpoints in negotiations within the scope of seven areas

Information of the Government's Proxy for Negotiations of Membership of the Polish Republic in the European Union No. 11 (89), p. 77

Poland's standpoints in negotiations

Information of the Government's Proxy for Negotiations of Membership of the Polish Republic in the European Union No. 12 (90), p. 85


Co-operation within border areas. Foreign aid to Poland.

Foreign aid in 1997

Information of the European Integration Committee Office on the financial aid granted to Poland by the European Union No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 118


Co-operation within border areas: Poland-Germany, Poland-Baltic Sea Region

Information of the Authority Implementing the Border Co-operation Programme PHARE No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 121

Environment protection within border areas

Information of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources, and Forestry No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 137

Baltic Euroregion

Information of the Department of European Integration and International Co-operation of the Ministry of Interior and Administration No. 3 (81), p. 113

Euroregion Śląsk Cieszyński

Information of the Department of European Integration and International Co-operation of the Ministry of Interior and Administration No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 175

Border movement and expenses of foreigners in Poland and those of Poles abroad for 1997

Information of the Central Statistical office No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 177

European Union Programme: Reconstruction. New experiences of PHARE

Report of the European Integration Committee Office and the Polish Foundation for Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion and Development No. 11 (89), p. 86




KERM (Cabinet Economic Committee) Team for De-beaurocratisation of Economy

Organisation and mode of operation of the Team for De-beaurocratisation of Economy No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 154

Energy Regulatory Agency

Information of the Bureau for Social Communications and Information URE No. 4 (82), p. 203

Council for Privatising Transformations

Opinion-giving and advisory body of Prime Minister No. 4 (82), p. 207



Systemic changes: programmes, information, reports

The limit of 20 billion dollars is exceeded

Information of the National Agency for Foreign Investments No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 145

Medium-term financial strategy

Document drawn up by the Ministry of Finance No. 8 (86), p. 153

Programme of privatisation to 2001

Document adopted by the government on 14th July 1998 No. 8 (86), p. 163

Reform of the coal mining industry in Poland in the years 1998-2000

Information of the Ministry of Economy No. 8 (86), p. 185

Programme of Steel Industry Restructuring in Poland

Document adopted by the government on 30th June 1998 No. 8 (86), p. 199

Restructuring and privatisation of petrol section in Poland

Information of the Ministry of State Treasury No. 8 (86), p. 223

Central European Free Trade Agreement

Information of the Ministry of Economy No. 9 (87), p. 52

System of public procurement in 1997

Data of the Office of Public Procurement No. 9 (87), p. 56

Increase in large investments

Information of the National Agency for Foreign Investment No. 9 (87), p. 139

Directions of privatisation in 1999

Document submitted to the Seym in October this year together with the project of budget for 1999 No. 12 (90), p. 91

Antitrust activities

Counteracting of monopolies and strengthening of competition

Document developed by the Agency for Protection of Competition and Consumers No. 9 (87), p. 147

Programme of consumer policy for 1998-1999

Document developed by the Agency for Protection of Competition and Consumers No. 12 (90), p. 100



Medium-term strategy of development of agriculture and rural areas

Document developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food No. 5 (83), p. 140

For rural areas

Information of the National Employment Office No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 139


Court system

Courts of justice and the systemic transformation in Poland

Speech of minister Hanna Suchocka at the Meeting of Ministers of Justice from the Central and Eastern Europe Countries, Budapest, 20-22 April 1998, No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 121

Principles of the court system reform

Information of the Minister of Justice No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 129

Team for the Reformation of the Organisational Model of Common Courts No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 205


Internal safety


Against drug-related crime

Statement of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Administration, Janusz Tomaszewski on the UN forum, 10th June 1998 No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 115

Against organised crime

Statement of Deputy Prime Minister Janusz Tomaszewski at the Conference of Interior Affairs Ministers of Central European Initiative Member States, 9-10 October, Triest No. 11 (89), p. 118


At the threshold of changes

Police - assumptions for reforms and development

Information of the National Police Headquarters No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 108


Border movement

New border regulations

Act on Foreigners No. 1-2 (79-80), 112

Situation at the borders with Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine

Information of the National Border Guard Headquarters No. 9 (87), p. 179

Situation at the border between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany

Information of the National Border Guard Headquarters No. 11 (89), p. 101




Statements of government members

System reform of the country

The speech of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek at TVP, 5th February 1998, No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 75

Measuring up to the Third Republic of Poland

Speech of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Administration, Janusz Tomaszewski RP Seym, 2nd April 1998 No. 4 (82), p. 81

" The hand-over of power to citizens becomes reality"

TV speech of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek, 9th May 1998 No. 5 (83), p. 82

For counteracting organised crime

Speech of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Administration, Janusz Tomaszewski, Brussels, 28th May 1998 No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 114


Council for Country Political System Reforms

New opinion-giving and advisory body of Prime Minister No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 152

Inter-ministerial Team for the Implementation of Public Administration Reform No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 202


Information, reports

Estimation of costs of public administration reform

Information of the Government's Proxy for the Political System Reform No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 82

Government assumptions for the country political system reform

Information of the Department of Country Political System Reforms of the Prime Minister's Office No. 5 (83), p. 84

Dialogue and development

Information of the Government Centre for Strategic Studies No. 5 (83), p. 121

Gminas (communities) in Poland in 1996

Information of the Central Statistical Office No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 188

Regulation of the Cabinet on the Creation of Powiats (boroughs) of 7th August 1998 No. 9 (87), p. 66

Public administration reform

Guide book on training No. 9 (87), p. 207

Poland under the new geographical division

Commentary on the GUS publication No. 12 (90), p. 172


Facing the dangers

Study results and estimation of flood damage in 1997

Information of the Central Statistical Office, February 1998 No. 4 (82), p. 154

After the flood

Information of the Minister Bureau for the Removal of Flood Effects No. 4 (82), p. 186

Management in crisis situations

Information of the Ministry of Interior and Administration No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 118

Reacting to the flood in 1998

Information of the Minister for the Removal of Flood Effects, 28th October 1998 No. 11 (89), p. 120




Financial situation in healthcare - opening balance

Response of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to the desiderata of the Seym Health Commission No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 88

Public health insurance

Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare No. 5 (83), p. 128

Inter-ministerial Team for the Implementation of Healthcare Reform No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 203





Setting up of the post of Government's Proxy for Family Matters

Information of the Office of Government's Proxy for Family Matters No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 149

Inter-ministerial Team for the Development of Pro-family National Policy Programme

Information of the Office of Government's Proxy for Family Matters at the Prime Minister's Office No. 4 (82), p. 205


Information, reports

Compensating undertakings of the government and the raise of fuel prices

Information of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, 22nd January 1998 No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 101

Opening balance

Condition of Polish economy, society, and State at the turn of 1997 and 1998 No. 3 (81), p. 63

Principles of the Pro-family Policy Programme

Information of the Government's Proxy for Family Matters presented to the Seym Family Commission on 22nd January 1998 No. 3 (81), p. 103

Demographic situation of Poland within the transformation period

Information of Demographic Studies Department of the Central Statistical Office No. 3 (81), p. 106

Report on the situation of Polish families

Commentary on the document No. 12 (90), p. 110

Programme Against Violence - to Level the Chances

Information of the Office of Government's Proxy for Family Matters at the Prime Minister's Office No. 12 (90), p. 127

Co-operation of government administration with non-government organisations

Document developed by Prime Minister's Proxy for Co-operation with non-government organisations No. 12 (90), p. 133


Against unemployment

Task contracts for the Employment Office System

Information of the National Employment Office No. 4 (82), p. 189

Graduate '98

Information of the National Employment Office No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 141


Social security

Social security system reform

Statement of Ewa Lewicka, Government's Proxy for Security System Reform, RP Seym, 29th May 1998, No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 135

Agency for Supervision of Pension Funds No. 8 (86), p. 234


Science and education

Modern techniques and technologies in industry

Information on the activities of the Technical Issues and Technology Agency No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 141

Educational system reform

Initial concept of the Ministry of National Education No. 3 (81), p. 93

Science '98

Statement of Jan Krzysztof Frąckowiak, Under-Secretary of State, Committee for Scientific Research No. 6-7, (84-85), p. 147

Science and technology in Poland from the statistical point of view

Information of the Committee for Scientific Research No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 151

Research and development potential and the new administrative structure of the country

Study of the Committee for Scientific Research No. 9 (87), p. 129



Losses of cultural goods during the flood

Information of the Defence Issues Office of the Ministry of Culture and Art No. 4 (82), p. 176

Protection of cultural goods against exceptional types of hazards

Information of the Defence Issues Office of the Ministry of Culture and Art No. 11 (89), p. 122

Awards for scientists No. 11 (89), p. 133


Co-operation with parliament

Activities of the government on the parliamentary forum

Information of the Government's Department of Parliamentary Issues of the Prime Minister's Office No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 86, No. 4 (82), p. 192, No. 9 (87), p. 202, No. 12 (90), p. 177



Media and society

Changes in the Polish Press Agency (PAP)

PAP information No. 3 (81), p. 116

Internet - new addresses No. 11 (89), p. 136



Persons nominated to official posts in state administration: No. 1-2 (79-80), p. 157, No. 3 (81), p. 123, No. 4 (82), p. 209, No. 5 (83), p. 171, No. 6-7 (84-85), p. 201, No. 10 (88), p. 201, No. 11 (89), p. 135, No. 12 (90), p. 183.

Moreover, each issue of the " Governmental Revue" contains the commentaries on the work of government and Cabinet advisory committees and information on the work of government management, ministries, and central governmental agencies, as well as of the voivodship government administration. Moreover, it publishes data on the press services provided by the Government Information Centre, ministries and central agencies.


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